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Weight Loss 6 Exercises To Tone Your Thighs and Hips

6 Exercises To Tone Your Thighs and Hips

Weight Loss 6 Exercises To Tone Your Thighs and Hips

All the world with its tennis and delicacies, but we know that the reduction of gravity is not possible. You can’t buy only your own money without buying the total corporate money. All that can be done is to make it harder for the muscles and the inner part of the crotch so that the parezca Delgado and can take your Pantalones cortos or other favorites with a confession.

Here are 6 simple exercises that you can do at home without any equipment to tone down your thighs.

02/ Squats

This form of workout targets the quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and calves. Start with 10 repetitions and then increase it as you get comfortable with it.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand straight on the ground with your feet more than shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Extend your arms in front of you in a relaxed position.

Step 3: Flex your knees and go down as if you are going to sit on a chair. Your knees should remain behind your toes.

Step 4: Hold this position for 2-3 seconds before coming back to the original position.

03/ Lunges

This form of workout targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times with each leg. You can also try variations and can hold dumbbells in each hand when you exercise.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand tall on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and keep both your hands on your hips.

Step 2: Now move your right leg one feet forward. Lower your body until both your front and back legs make a 90 degrees angle.

04/ Pile Squats

This exercise is excellent for your quads, abductors, calves, and glutes. Perform this at least 30 times with each leg.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand on the ground with your legs wide apart. Your toes and knees should be pointed outward and your hands should be on your hips.

Step 2: Slowly lower your body into a squat position. Make sure you keep your spine and torso upright.

Step 3: Hold this position for 2 seconds then rise back up squeezing your glutes at the top. Repeat the same process.

05/ Single-Leg Circles

Single-Leg Circles are good for quads and abductors. Repeat this exercise 15 times with each leg.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand straight on the ground with your legs wide apart.

Step 2: Now put your right foot forward with the toes pointing out.

Step 3: Lift your right foot to your knees and move it outwards to make a circle.

Step 4: Do this 10 times and then repeat the same with the left leg.

06/ Standing Forward Bend

This workout is excellent to target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Do 1 set of this workout for 5 repetitions.

How to do it:

Step 1: Stand straight on the ground with your feet together. Keep your body in a relaxed position and hands by your side.

Step 2: Bend your upper body forward and slowly go down.

Step 3: Try to touch the ground or mat in front of you with your hands. Your head should be touching your knees.

07/ Kick Back

Kick Back is good for hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Repeat two sets of these exercises of 10 repetitions each.

How to do it:

Step 1: Start with the cat pose with your knees on the floor, palm flat on the floor, and back straight.

Step 2: Supporting your body with your palms and left knees, straighten your right leg.

Step 3: Now, raise your right leg slightly above your hips with your toes pointed.

Step 4: Bring it back to the normal position. Repeat this 10 times then do the same with the other leg.
